Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Week 3 # 7 Cologne, Germany and its landmark Cathedral

Koelner Dom
(Cathedral of Cologne)
Here are a few pictures of one of the most recognizable sites in Germany -- the Cathedral of Cologne. Architecturally gothic, construction began in the year 1248 and wasn't fully completed until the year 1880. At its completion, and until 1884, it was the tallest structure in the world. Here is a pretty good link for a more indepth history of the Cathedral:
Feel free to click on the images below to enlarge them.

This is an incredible picture taken after the bombing of Cologne during World War II. As you can see, everything in the city was destroyed, except the Cathedral.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Week #3 Create a Blog

I have successfully created my own blog, which I call "The Crow's Nest." In keeping with the idea of the "twenty-three things" being introduced on web 2.0 to us lifelong learners, I also decided to refer to myself as Jackdaw, which is a European blackbird and which belongs to the same family as the crow, the raven, and the rook although it is smaller. These birds are notorious for picking up "things" that attract their attention and then for carrying them back to their nest, hence "The Crow's Nest."
I look forward to my sojourn through the wiles of Web 2.0 and collecting these vast things that I will be able to bring home and to use as the spirit moves me.

Week #2 Lifelong Learning

I have always considered myself to be a lifelong learner. As a person who learned German, I am constantly having to update my skills and vocabulary because the language is vibrantly alive and new innovations are introduced all the time. As a result, new words constantly emerge to identify these innovations and ideas and as a result, one must continually update his vocabulary in order to discuss current issues that are introduced on the world stage.
At the same time, a constant updating skills in computer technology is considered vital in an effort to update skills in order to create a better, more interesting, innovative way of introducing subject material which can captivate and hold a student's interest, and at the same time introducing them to a world wide stage of satisfying intellectual curiosity.
Lifelong learning is a way of life---if you're not progressing, you are in danger of standing still or you are regressing in either case you become stale and essentially stagnate.

First Week #1 Life Long Learning

Since I think we're supposed to provide commentary on each "thing" we cover, I can say that it's exciting to be a participating person on this venture that will allow the individual a free exchange of ideas as well as "things" that can be done in the classroom in an effort to enhance the students' motivation to expand his intellectual horizons. At the same time, he, hopefully, will realize that he will become a contributing member in the world wide learning experience as life long learners.