Friday, January 1, 2010

Week 9 #23 Queries/Finale

1. What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?

There a number of things that I particularly liked about this project: the RSS feeds, Rollyo,Library Thing, and the Podcasts. All of them are excellent sources of information which could be of extreme importance in the classroom I thought that flickr, theImage generators and YouTube are fun things that could be utilized to make classroom presentations more attractive and interesting. I think that students would enjoy working with these things as they do research and work with design and presentation of material.

2. How has this program assisted or affected our lifelong learning goals?

The net results of this project has made me more aware of things that are available on the web that will have more influence on my classroom performance. Also, in a subliminal way,I must continue to evolve, and expand my own intellectural horizons through the use of projects such as Web base 2.0. If not, then I, as an educator, will become stale and stagnant in the classroom.

3. Were they any take-a-ways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?

The revelation that I received from this project was the realization of how we as a society are moving forward as the emphasis has changed from one person flying solo on the information highway to a collaborative concept where people reach out to other people to gain insight and information from other educators on a global scale. The Web base 2.0 create a door to those opportunities to gain information from others' expertise and knowlege and interests.

4. What could we do differently to improve upon this program's format or concept?

Rather than spend time on such things as Sandbox, ebooks and audio books as well as YouTube, Podcasts, and Flickr maybe to a lesser extent, it would be better to concentrate more on real academic research possibilities. In the great scheme of things, everything can be boiled down to "substance" and "fluff." In order to improve the format or concept, I would focus less of fluff and concentrate more on substance. Although I will say that I had "fun" working with YouTube, Flickr, and Podcasts. Sandbox was a downer for me as was ebooks and audio books. I'm not particularly interested in material that comes out as an ebook or an audio book even if I think that ebook is the wave of the future as it relates to publishing.

5. If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you choose to participate?

I would certainly be interested; it is one of the few ways whereby I could learn about the availability of research possibilities and learning enhancement. I like the idea of collaborative work even if it seems more like a one way street since I'm not technically working with someone on a common project. However, having said that, I am involved in collaborative project as someone else has done all the legwork to help me become a better educator if I take advantage of their own research efforts.

6. How would you describe your learning experience in ONE WORD or ONE SENTENCE, so that we could use your words to promote Classroom Learning 2.0 learning activities?

Even though the idea of Classroom Learning 2.0 is in its infancy, it, nevertheless, constitutes a catalyst for a Paradigm Shift in educational pedagogy as it moves away from stoic individualised learning to a more humanistic collaboration in preparation for a more information centered society.

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