Sunday, December 20, 2009

Week 4 #8 Learning about RSS Feeds

The RSS feeds are a wonderful Web 2.0 tool that allows the teacher to follow the progress of students on any research project. Rather than to have to monitor each and every student, this systems allows the teacher to receive any recent updates on a particular student's research automatically rather than having the teachter access each student's work. Any updates are automatically.

In addition to this feature, there are a wide variety of RSS Feeds that anyone can sign up for in order to receive the latest news on virtually any company, any news media, or any educational RSS feed where teachers post their own comments about successful teaching techniques in the classroom. Aside from the teacher's ability to read about a students research project immediately after an update and aside from the teacher's ability to read about what is being done in classrooms across the country, the RSS Feeds would be extremely beneficial in a current events class where the class can receive the latest news about what is happening around the globe without having to visit a variety of different websites and to comb through newspapers or watch entire news broadcasts on television. Through the RSS Feeds they can have up to date news as it happens and it is sent directly to the class. If a class happens to be discussing the war in Afgahnistan, they could tap into a RSS Feed for the latest events taking place. In addition, a class studying investing in the stock market can sign up for RSS Feeds on companies that they are interested in. The information would be the most current and the students could see how this information may adversely affect a particular company or enhance its value in the stock market. Such information could lead to better decisions in investing.

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