Saturday, December 26, 2009

Week 6 #13 Tagging and Delicious

Everytime I read about the idea of social networking I cringe. I personally don't like social networking. As a result, I normally have all sorts of bad vibes and consequently I am not very receptive to this type of learning. My basic aversion was further underscored when I logged onto the "Libraries that del.ic.ious," and was wisked away to a German website, where everything was written in German. My thoughts immediately turned to the question of how useful would this be if it were written in another language that I could not use. Well, the answer is obvious: if you can't read it, you can't understand it. One of the German articles pointed out that it would be beneficial to know who was the original author was the artcile was but even more important would be to know who posted so that the site could be evaluated as its revelance or its fluffiness. I'm not sure how one would do that in a meaningful way. In a sense who reviews the reviewer or who evaluates the linkster seems as if we are going ever deeper in a morass of obscurity.
The Ed Talk Net seems somewhat more appropriate than the simple organising individual web sites; however, it also seems as if the Ed Talk consists of nothing but blogs that offer a personal insight into something. It is the old idea of it's opinion and everyone has one. Ironically, these personal opinions are what I consider fluff because they are without literary or scholastic merit. While something of value may actually be found, I sometimes wonder about the fruits of our labor in terms of time spent to find these little jewels. Rather than search, it seems to me that the RSS feeds and the Rolyo would not be more informative and easier to gather information.

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