Monday, December 21, 2009

Week 4 #9 Educational Blogs

The educational blogs seem to be a good idea in that you can contact other teachers to discover ideas about what they are doing in their classrooms and perhaps pick up some interesting ways to introduce or to handle a variety of literary topics. The Google reader I thought was the easiest to use, perhaps because I'm so used to doing searching using Google. I searched the educational blogs for The Once and Future King to find how others are handling this project. In the process, I have learned that a person could spend an extremely inordinant amount of time searching for the right blog. A lot of the blogs that I perused were of no use because of a lack of academic research or endeavors involved in their blog. As a result, there was no significant blog that I found that was beneficial on this topic. No doubt, there exists the possibility of something out there is worthwhile; however, the blots are so prolific that it would be a Herculean task to examine all of them to find the ultimate blog that would deal with an academic analysis of this particular work. Everything seemed to be too superficial for my purposes.
If there were more of an organized system for finding just the right academic blog, things would be more interesting.

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