Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Week 5 #12 Rollyo

Rollyo would be an excellent tool for facitating research for students. It will, however, require extensive work on the part of the teacher. Since Rollyo provides teachers with the ability to develop their search engines, they must preview and find the best, most reliable sites to include in Rollyo. The process of adding sites to one's own personalized website will save students time and energy because the teacher has already examined a particular website. This way the student will be afforded the opportunity to examine only the most useful, informative websites rather than waste his time exmaining questionable and inferior sites that are of no value. Another added feature that Rollyo offers is the opportunity to be in contact with other teachers to learn of even more search sites that are valuable.
One disadvantage that I see is the sheer amount of time it will take teachers to conduct their searches and to evaluate the sites usefulness, especially given the tremendous number of search sites that are available. However, it is far better for the teacher to search these sites than for the student to do so since students tend to become to frustrated and overwhelmed in an effort to determine whether or not a particular search site is valuable or not. Nevertheless, it will require a lot of leg work on the part of the teacher to create a good, informative site to add to his own personal search list. But, the student will benefit enormously since he will only have to visit one web site for a host of valuable websites rather than to have to search the entire web.

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