Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Week 5 #11 Web 2.0 Award Winners

After perusing through several of the Web 2.0 Award winners, I found two sites that offer great potential in terms of gaining information and insights. The first was which one can join and categorize all the books in one's library. While that in and of itself is no great incentive to sign up. the idea of reading book reviews might be of some interest, particularly if a new textbook needs to be adopted. In addition, by joining the website, there is the opportunity to share information with others and to discuss the ideas of others about a particular book. This exchange of information could very easily be adopted for classroom use. The second award winner that I became fascinated with was NING classroom 2.0. Although I am not interested in joining a social chat group, there is the possibility of communicating with other educators about what is going on in their classroom as well as getting involved in discussion groups with others about teaching techniques, research projects, or even things that were tried in the classroom but were not successful.
The most disappointing Web 2.0 Award winner site was the first one Lulu which was nothing more that a site where you could market books to sell and buy or the idea of publishing a cyberspace book (ebook) that you had written yourself.

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