Sunday, December 27, 2009

Week 7 #17 Sandbox

Since the basic nature of Sandbox is described as "fun," I doubt that anyone would seriously consider this as an academic research tool---and it isn't. Sandbox is a hodge podge or eclectic collection of ideas written down by different people. If one were looking for some kind of coherent meaning from this site, he would be disappointed. It seems best described as a "stream of consciousness," where things don't necessarily add up to anything but extemporeanous fun. In many respects, it is kids at play. Yet there is something refreshing about Sandbox because it is a place that allows anyone to visit and add his thought of the day and then move on. Although there doesn't appear to have any academic value, it might be attractive to those who are given to moments of frivolity. Unfortunately, as perhaps would be expected on a "fun" site, there doesn't appear to be any kind of organization to it.

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