Thursday, December 31, 2009

Week 5 #10 Image Generators

The idea of the Image Generators is a truly fascinating site. The idea of introducing something literary and then having students generate a book jacket, magazine cover, or comic strip design in a effort to protray the basic theme of the literary work could challenge the creativity of the students. In addition, they could also create a picture that could illustrate a particular scene from the novel, the play, the short story, poem, or another genre. After all, if you can read it and imagine it, then you can illustrate it. The students could also "visualize" what the writer or poet, wanted the reader to see at the end of his work. The idea of the old cliche that a picture is worth a thousand words would certainly be appr0priate with Image Generators and The Image Generators contain a wide range of possibilities to cover any potential idea that could be illustrated. In many aspects, students could basically learn that literature can be considered as a slice of life and art, and going hand in hand with literature, art is a pictorial representation of life as well.

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