Saturday, December 26, 2009

Week 6 # 14 Technorati

Since Technorati is the leading search engine for blogs and therefore the leading expert in blogs, it becomes important to take a serious look at Technorati. Technorati affords the researcher with the possibility of searching all blogs through one search engine. The idea that there are over 175,000 new blogs created everyday with over eighteen updates on older blogs every day, there is no way to keep up with new blogs, much less older blogs. Technorati does a good job in trying to categorize blogs as well as provide search opportunities with the massive body of blogs. However, when I tried to go to their web site, I received the message the page no longer existed. They did list alternatives by providing links to home page, technorati top 100, blog directory, and the Tag pages index. But even some of these listed the "No page available." Obviously, they are in the process of developing new pages to handle the onslaught of new blogs. They also listed new channels that contained editorial content under the categories of technology, blogging, videoes, business, sports, and entertainment, and lifestyle.
I personally would not expect much from Technorati, not because of its missing pages that may re-appear at some later date but because it seems more related to business. Perhaps teachers in the business department may be able to utilize some of the information listed here, but it doesn't do much for language and literature.

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